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From: hedrick@topaz.ARPA (Chuck Hedrick)
Newsgroups: net.religion,net.flame,net.religion.christian
Subject: Re: WChurches saying they are the ONE TRUE CHURCH
Message-ID: <562@topaz.ARPA>
Date: Fri, 8-Feb-85 23:08:54 EST
Article-I.D.: topaz.562
Posted: Fri Feb  8 23:08:54 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 10-Feb-85 06:12:40 EST
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Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J.
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Xref: watmath net.religion:5560 net.flame:8278 net.religion.christian:179

> To the best of my knowledge the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Baptist
> Presbyterian and a variety of other "churches" ALL state in their
> official doctrine that they are the ONE TRUE CHURCH. (They either
> excommunicate or damn each other.) I appreciate that many are moving
> toward reconciliation but what are they move from?

I don't know of any denomination that actually has the audacity to state
that it is the only true church.   If there is one, it is not on the list
that you have given.  All of the Protestant churches that I know about
practice open Communion.  This means that they will allow anyone to
participate in Communion who professes faith in Jesus Christ.
(Presbyterians also require that they be baptized.  I am not sure how common
such a restriction is.  There is no specification on who did the baptism.)
All of the Protestant churches that I know about accept new members from
other churches by "letter of transfer".  That is, they accept the other
church's word that this person is a church member in good standing.  There
is probably a limit on the groups from which a given church would accept a
letter of transfer, but in Presbyterian (USA) churches, I have heard
transfers from quite a range, including both very conservative churches and
"high" churches.  The Roman Catholics are a special problem.  But even they
consider other churches to be part of the true church.  I will leave it to a
Catholic to explain why they do not practice open Communion.

Generally those Christians that are inclined to be exclusivist are not so
concerned about which church you belong to as what you believe.  You might
find a Christian somewhere that thinks I will go to Hell.  But if so, it
will not be because I am a Presbyterian rather than a member of his church.
It will instead be because I take a liberal view of the way Scripture is to
be used.  That is, I do not believe that it is in principle error-free
(though I do believe that it is quite reliable).  But even there, I think it
would be the unusual conservative who would think that this actually damns
me.  They might think I was seriously wrong, but Christ's death would atone
even for that.

Churches differ primarily in their "form of government" and in their liturgy
(i.e. the way they worship).  In general everyone considers these to be
theologically insignificant.  From the BOok of Order of the Presbyterian
Church (USA):  "This form of government is established in the light of
Scripture to give order to this church, but is not regarded as essential to
the existence of the church of Jesus Christ nor to be required of all
Christians."   There are a few items of liturgy that specific churches feel
quite strongly about, e.g. Baptists about adult baptism.  But even there, I
would not expect that a Baptist would say that someone who was baptized as a
child was not a Christian.  These days most of the major denominations have
more theological diversity within them than there is difference between
them.  I do not mean to minimize the amount of disagreement that still
exists among Christians.  But I think it is not associated with membership
in specific chruches.  And even where disagreement exists, it is often over
the precise application of principles that we all agree on.  E.g. we all
agree that Scripture is the record of God's actions with men, and at least
all Protestants consider it authoritative over the Church.  The issue is
whether it is reliable as a human witness is reliable, or is guaranteed
error-free on all details.   All of us agree that Communion was established
by Jesus as an institution that the church should carry out, and that he
will be present with the church when it is celebrated.  But there are
differing views on exactly how he will be present, and whether it is
different than the way he is always present with the church.  These
differences can be significant in certain contexts.  But aside from a few
marginal groups such as the Mormons and Quakers (and I mean no insult to
them: many of them are fine Christians -- they are simply not in the
mainstream of Christian tradition), all churches use the Apostles and Nicene
creeds to define their faith, and all believe in the basic doctrines of
Trinity, Incarnation, Atonement, the presence of the Holy Spirit in the
Church, etc.