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From: keithd@cadovax.UUCP (Keith Doyle)
Newsgroups: net.flame
Subject: Re: Handguns.
Message-ID: <394@cadovax.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 7-Feb-85 13:25:59 EST
Article-I.D.: cadovax.394
Posted: Thu Feb  7 13:25:59 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 10-Feb-85 05:34:06 EST
References: <2974@allegra.UUCP> <1912@sun.uucp> <297@desint.UUCP> <284@ccice6.UUCP> <287@enmasse.UUCP> <230@ihu1Re: Handguns.
Organization: Contel Cado, Torrance, CA
Lines: 24


(after citing England as an example of handgun controls:)

>The summation of this is that a society which makes guns as near
>inaccessible as possible does not make itself a soft target for
>criminals.  It does rid itself of the stupid, accidental, or hot-headed
>killings of the "Boy mistakes girlfriend for burglar" sort.

>Charlie Lambert @ the Death Star, IL.

When did England move to outlaw guns? (I'm asking because I don't know)
Has it always been so?  What did they go through when it was done?

I think one problem with making comparisons with England is that in
America, the cat is already out of the bag.  Making guns illegal now,
would probably take some time to have the effects you cite in England,
and in the meantime, legal citizens may actually be making themselves
'soft targets'.  A society does not change their attitues overnight when
a new law is enacted.

Keith Doyle
"You'll PAY to know what you REALLY think!"