Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site ttidcc.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!bonnie!akgua!whuxlm!harpo!decvax!mcnc!philabs!ttidca!ttidcc!hollombe From: hollombe@ttidcc.UUCP (Jerry Hollombe) Newsgroups: net.flame Subject: My contribution to the seat belt debate Message-ID: <211@ttidcc.UUCP> Date: Tue, 5-Feb-85 16:15:23 EST Article-I.D.: ttidcc.211 Posted: Tue Feb 5 16:15:23 1985 Date-Received: Sun, 10-Feb-85 03:48:22 EST Organization: TTI, Santa Monica, CA. Lines: 20 Some years ago I was, for a time, employed by a trapeze act (Del Graham's Circus Productions). While there I happened to overhear the following conversation: Reporter: "Whatever became of that trapeze act that used to work without a net?" Mr. Graham: "Oh, them! They're all dead." -- ============================================================================== The Polymath (Jerry Hollombe) Citicorp TTI If thy CRT offend thee, pluck 3100 Ocean Park Blvd. it out and cast it from thee. Santa Monica, California 90405 (213) 450-9111, ext. 2483 {vortex,philabs}!ttidca!ttidcc!hollombe