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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!allegra!bellcore!decvax!genrad!mit-eddie!dws
From: dws@mit-eddie.UUCP (Don Saklad)
Newsgroups: net.flame
Subject: libraries
Message-ID: <3583@mit-eddie.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 6-Feb-85 17:26:43 EST
Article-I.D.: mit-eddi.3583
Posted: Wed Feb  6 17:26:43 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 9-Feb-85 06:22:42 EST
References: <367@hercules.UUCP> <1784@uvacs.UUCP> <662@uwmacc.UUCP>, <837@reed.UUCP>, <783@druxo.UUCP> <315@gargoyle.UChicago.UUCP>
Organization: MIT, Cambridge, MA
Lines: 13

	Could you comment on the delays and denials for documentation on
the Boston Public Library system.  Reference requests about how the library
works seem as reasonable as any.  Freedom and equality of access to information
is an issue of ethics.  Manuals and administrative documentation not protected
by confidentiality rules are censored by well intentioned yet misinformed
people who work there all the time.

	Nurturing interest in the library system and services should
involve openess rather than defensiveness and suspicion.

	Perhaps through your involvement in libraries you'd see something
done about this?