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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!bonnie!akgua!psuvax1!burdvax!sjuvax!jss
From: jss@sjuvax.UUCP (J. Shapiro)
Newsgroups: net.flame,net.micro,net.micro.pc
Subject: Re: Standard, What standard???
Message-ID: <810@sjuvax.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 6-Feb-85 03:57:15 EST
Article-I.D.: sjuvax.810
Posted: Wed Feb  6 03:57:15 1985
Date-Received: Fri, 8-Feb-85 00:47:35 EST
References: <143@idmi-cc.UUCP>
Distribution: net
Organization: Saint Josephs Univ. Phila., Pa.
Lines: 17
Xref: watmath net.flame:8233 net.micro:9287 net.micro.pc:3280

[Aren't you hungry...?

> My understanding of the IBM line of PC's is: a) none of them
> have ever used anything but already exisisting technology.
> 			Andrew R. Scholnick
> 			Information Design and Management Inc., Alexandria, Va.
> 		{rlgvax,prcrs}!idmi-cc!andrew

Not only that, but they didn't even try to use it innovatively, nor even
efficiently.  Same true for the PC-AT.


Jonathan S. Shapiro
Haverford College