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Path: utzoo!utcs!lsuc!pesnta!amdcad!amdahl!ems
From: ems@amdahl.UUCP (E. Michael Smith)
Newsgroups: net.columbia
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Shuttle Project?
Message-ID: <1136@amdahl.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 13-Feb-85 15:20:06 EST
Article-I.D.: amdahl.1136
Posted: Wed Feb 13 15:20:06 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 13-Feb-85 22:43:21 EST
References: <32@pbear.UUCP> <507@intelca.UUCP>
Organization: Amdahl Corp, Sunnyvale CA
Lines: 17

> > 
> > 	but if the string is played in vacuum, then the friction of the air
> > is removed, and the sutain is much longer.
> > 
> I believe this should read, "If the string is played in vacuum, then the
> medium for the sound waves is removed and the sustain is zero, as it never
> gets to pickup."

I think the original was in the context of an *ELECTRIC* guitar or
some such, where the pickup is magnetic anyway.  The string still
vibrates, the mag pickup still works, the sustain of the vibrations
will be longer, the tone might even change...

Why not try something where a magnetic pickup us used to 'listen to space'
or some such by picking up ambiant  mag  fields?