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Path: utzoo!utcs!lsuc!pesnta!amdcad!mike
From: mike@amdcad.UUCP (Mike Parker)
Newsgroups: net.columbia
Subject: Re: Re: Shuttle Project?
Message-ID: <628@amdcad.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 7-Feb-85 21:13:15 EST
Article-I.D.: amdcad.628
Posted: Thu Feb  7 21:13:15 1985
Date-Received: Fri, 8-Feb-85 09:48:46 EST
References: <32@pbear.UUCP> <136@bigtuna.UUCP>
Organization: AMDCAD, Sunnyvale, CA
Lines: 15

> > 
> > 	but if the string is played in vacuum, then the friction of the air
> > is removed, and the sutain is much longer.
> > 
> Sustain of what?  No air -- no sound.
> -- 
> Richard Foulk		(..islenet!bigtuna!richard)
> Honolulu, Hawaii

I believe the original discussion was about electric guitars,
which need no air to produce sound. ( At least the guitar needs
no air, it helps if the speaker is put where there is air )