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Path: utzoo!decvax!genrad!panda!talcott!harvard!seismo!newsstats
From: newsstats@seismo.UUCP
Newsgroups: mod.newslists
Subject: Top 25 News Submitters by Site for the last 2 weeks
Message-ID: <820@seismo.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 8-Feb-85 02:40:29 EST
Article-I.D.: seismo.820
Posted: Fri Feb  8 02:40:29 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 9-Feb-85 00:57:59 EST
Sender: usenet@seismo.UUCP
Organization: Center for Seismic Studies, Arlington, VA
Lines: 73
Approved: rick@seismo.ARPA

         No. of      % of
Rank Articles Kbytes Total  Site
   1    34     700.6  7.3%  cmu-cs-spice.ARPA
			      100% net.micro.mac 
   2    24     645.5  6.7%  sdcc3.UUCP (Univ. of California, San Diego)
			      38% net.sources 5% net.jokes 5% net.movies 
			      5% net.sf-lovers 5% 
   3    35     559.6  8.7%  ucbvax.ARPA (Univ. of California, Berkeley, Computer Systems Research Group)
			      44% net.sources 22% net.micro.cbm 5% net.lang.c 
			      5% net.sources.bugs 
   4    17     517.9  8.1%  cmu-cs-cad.ARPA
			      77% net.sources 11% 5% 
			      5% net.sources.bugs 
   5    31     358.7  3.7%  drutx.UUCP (AT&T Information Systems Laboratories)
			      36% net.micro.mac 5% 5% 
			      5% net.politics 5% 5% net.women 
   6    13     306.3  4.8%  nlm-vax.ARPA (NLM/LHNCBC)
			      92% net.sources.mac 7% net.micro.mac 
   7    13     286.5  4.5%  cmu-cs-spice.ARPA
			      85% net.sources.mac 14% net.micro.mac 
   8     6     239.0  3.7%  ark.UUCP (Vrije Universiteit, Afd. Informatica)
			      83% net.sources 16% net.wanted 
   9    18     225.2  2.3%  wanginst.UUCP (Wang Institute of Graduate Studies)
			      47% net.sources 15% net.unix 5% net.cog-eng 
			      5% net.cse 5% net.lang 5% net.math.stat 
			      5% 5% net.micro.mac 5% net.religion.christian 
  10     7     223.7  3.5%  daisy.UUCP (Daisy Systems Corp.)
			      85% net.sources 14% net.lang.c 
  11    20     222.2  3.5%  harvard.ARPA (Harvard University, Center for Research in Computing)
			      23% net.lang 23% net.lang.c 14% net.sources.mac 
			      9% net.micro.mac 
  12    47     182.0  1.9%  gitpyr.UUCP (Georgia Tech)
			      20% 9% 9% net.women 
			      5% net.lang.c 5% 
  13     6     132.7  2.1%  iddic.UUCP (Tektronix, Inc., Information Display Division)
			      50% net.micro.mac 40% net.sources.mac 10% net.general 
  14    58     128.2  1.3%  nsc.UUCP (National Semiconductor Corp., Microprocessor Systems Division)
			      18% 8% net.micro.mac 5% net.women 
  15     9     127.1  2.0%  wanginst.UUCP (Wang Institute of Graduate Studies)
			      25% net.sources 16% net.lang.st80 8% net.general 
			      8% net.lang 8% net.micro.mac 8% net.sources.mac 
			      8% net.unix 8% net.unix-wizards 8% 
  16    19     126.8  2.0%  drutx.UUCP (AT&T Information Systems Laboratories)
			      36% net.sources.mac 10% net.lang.c 5% net.astro 
			      5% net.columbia 5% net.general 5% net.micro 
			      5% net.micro.cbm 5% net.micro.mac 5% net.sci 
			      5% net.sources 5% net.usenix 5% 
  17    52     123.2  1.3%  cbosgd.UUCP (AT&T Bell Laboratories, Operating Systems Group)
			      15% net.mail 10% 6% 
  18    46     122.4  1.3%  inmet.UUCP (Intermetrics, Inc)
			      32% net.politics 21% net.flame 
  19     5     102.5  1.6%  topaz.ARPA (Rutgers University, Center for Computer and Information Services)
			      16% net.emacs 16% 16% net.micro.68k 
			      16% 16% net.politics 16% net.wanted 
  20    16      98.8  1.0%  gargoyle.UChicago.UUCP (University of Chicago, Computer Science Department)
			      68% net.politics 25% net.sources 6% net.wanted.sources 
  21    16      98.1  1.0%  unisoft.UUCP (UniSoft)
			      16% net.sources 11% net.lang.c 11% 
			      11% net.unix-wizards 5% net.consumers 5% net.flame 
			      5% 5% 5% net.lang.pascal 
			      5% net.micro.mac 5% 5% net.usenix 
			      5% net.wanted.sources 
  22    22      95.7  1.0%  cbscc.UUCP (AT&T Bell Laboratories, Switching Control Center Systems)
			      26% net.books 20% net.women 13% net.religion 
  23    19      87.3  1.4%  ut-sally.UUCP (University of Texas, Austin, Computer Science Dept.)
			      38% net.sources.mac 14% net.unix 9% net.followup 
  24    34      80.7  0.8%  uwmacc.UUCP (Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison Academic Computing Center)
			      15% net.politics 11% net.religion 6% 
			      6% net.micro.cbm 6% net.wanted 
  25    59      77.8  0.8%  topaz.ARPA (Rutgers University, Center for Computer and Information Services)
			      36% net.politics 7% net.flame