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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!cbosgd!ucbvax!arpa-bboard
From: arpa-bboard@ucbvax.ARPA
Subject: Faculty Positions at University of Utah
Message-ID: <4695@ucbvax.ARPA>
Date: Fri, 8-Feb-85 21:10:22 EST
Article-I.D.: ucbvax.4695
Posted: Fri Feb  8 21:10:22 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 10-Feb-85 03:28:22 EST
Sender: daemon@ucbvax.ARPA
Organization: University of California at Berkeley
Lines: 60

From: Randy Frank 

                              UNIVERSITY OF UTAH
                      Computer Science Faculty Positions

As part of an active program to double the current faculty size, the Department
of  Computer  Science  at  the  University of Utah solicits applications at all
professorial ranks.  The  department  currently  has  13  tenure-track  faculty
members,  as  well  as  an  additional  5  serving in research capacities.  The
student population includes approximately 250 undergraduate majors, 33 Master's
degree students, and 26 PhD students.

Larger funded research projects include:
     computer-aided geometric design and computer graphics
     computer-aided instruction
     functional and logic programming
     multiprocessor and special-purpose architectures and systems
     robotics and computer vision
     portable A.I. support systems
     text-searching machines

Funding sources include  major  support  from  NSF-CER  and  DARPA,  and  other
diversified support from the government and private sectors.

The Department operates a  professionally staffed research computing  facility,
including a DECSystem 2060, a  Vax 785, four Vax 750s,  and a large network  of
Apollo, Sun, and HP  workstations.  The facility is  interconnected by both  an
Ethernet and broadband local area network,  with gateways to ARPANET and  CSNET
research and  Telenet  commercial  networks.   An  advanced  Graphics  and  CAD
laboratory houses a large collection  of equipment, including the most  current
products from  Evans and  Sutherland, Chromatics,  Megatek, Tektronix,  Apollo,
Lexidata, Silicon Graphics, and Symbolics.  Several rapidly growing networks of
professional workstations, based on the Apollo DN300, Sun/2 and Hewlett-Packard
9836, are in place with over 35 nodes and associated file servers and  gateways
to  the  host  network.   An  instructional  facility  consisting  of   various
microprocessors and  a Vax  780  is also  operated  by the  Department.   Major
increases in  computing power  in the  form of  a VAX  8600, and  a Gould  dual
processor 9080 will be installed this year.  The department also has access  to
a VLSI fabrication facility within its college.

Starting date for the appointment is 1 July 1985.

Direct vita, along  with the names  of three  or more references,  by  1 March,
1985, to:

                        Richard F. Riesenfeld, Chairman
                        Department of Computer Science
                        3160 Merrill Engineering Bldg.
                              University of Utah
                           Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Situated by the foothills of the Wasatch  Mountains,  the  University  of  Utah
enjoys easy access to exceptional outdoor recreational opportunities throughout
the year.

The University of Utah is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer and
especially encourages applications from women and members of minority groups.