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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!bonnie!akgua!whuxlm!spuxll!pjm
From: pjm@spuxll.UUCP (PJ Maioriello)
Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm
Subject: Re: MSD Disk Drives
Message-ID: <621@spuxll.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 4-Feb-85 19:54:50 EST
Article-I.D.: spuxll.621
Posted: Mon Feb  4 19:54:50 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 6-Feb-85 02:15:16 EST
References: <914@amd.UUCP>, <4582@ucbvax.ARPA>
Organization: AT&T Information Systems, South Plainfield NJ
Lines: 36

While i will agree that the load speed of an MSD drive is
slightly (and i do mean slightly) slower than a 1541 and some
commercial software wont load, the MSD is a VASTLY SUPERIOR
drive in EVERY other way.  In case anyone thinks i am prejudiced,
I happen to own both a 1541 and an MSD SD2.  I use the 1541
and the EPYX fastload (sorry Bryce) cartridge to load
commercial programs.  That is about all it does.  I cannot
remember the last time it wrote to a disk.  My MSD formats
my disks (approx 10 seconds) does my backups (approx 2 minutes for
an entire disk), is used to move files around, and works real nice
with my terminal programs and my assembler and my word
processor and my spreadsheet and my database management
programs and my ......
oh well you get the message.

In all this use it has not even burped once.

Now as far as using the speed up enhancements you have to give
the 1541 the edge.  But I and probably everyone else who
owns an MSD would be eternally grateful (not to mention willing
to part with some cash) for a speedup goodie that works on
the MSD.

It is my opinion that people who have been willing to spend the
money for the MSD would probably be very receptive to a product
that would enhance their investment.

Are you listening Bryce?

By the way if anyone knows about such a product that works on the
MSD please let me know where the line starts to buy one.

Paul Maioriello