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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!allegra!mit-eddie!genrad!panda!talcott!harvard!seismo!cmcl2!philabs!sbcs!bnl!slb
From: slb@bnl.UUCP (Sanford L. Barr at Brookhaven National Labs, L.I.)
Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm
Subject: Re: 1200 baud on C64
Message-ID: <867@bnl.UUCP>
Date: Sat, 2-Feb-85 18:33:07 EST
Article-I.D.: bnl.867
Posted: Sat Feb  2 18:33:07 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 5-Feb-85 03:57:30 EST
References: <3340009@cmu-cs-k.ARPA>
Lines: 24

> I seem to be having some problem using my 1200 baud modem with the C64.
> Every so often, I get a burst of garbage.  This is not a problem with the
> telephone line or the modem (I've checked both with another computer).  Is
> anybody else having similar problems, or is there something wrong with my
> C64?
> 	--Mike
> -- 
> uucp: ..!seismo!cmu-cs-k!mcb
> arpa: mcb@cmu-cs-k.ARPA

	Ma Bell and 1200 baud don't always mix.  Using a 1200 baud line
with an average everyday voice line will occasionally bring up some
garbage on the screen.  Normally this garbage only effects what
you see on the screen and dosen't get transmitted to the system
you're hooked into.   The only way to get around this is to get
a dedicated 1200 baud line (the line runs at 2400 then) which
will cost you a pretty penny.

                        Sanford L. Barr
           Famous designer of the Write Only Memory.
                       --             --