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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!allegra!mit-eddie!godot!harvard!seismo!cmcl2!acf4!percus
From: percus@acf4.UUCP (Allon G. Percus)
Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm
Subject: Re: Help for Moving Cursor
Message-ID: <1000002@acf4.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 25-Jan-85 12:19:00 EST
Article-I.D.: acf4.1000002
Posted: Fri Jan 25 12:19:00 1985
Date-Received: Mon, 28-Jan-85 06:37:52 EST
References: <686@inuxd.UUCP>
Organization: New York University
Lines: 18

> Help for a sick C64!
> Does anyone know what to do for a perpetually moving cursor?  
> We were using a cartridge game earlier today.  Later, when we
> turned on the computer by itself, the cursor was moving
> constantly,  left to right, down a line, left to right, etc. 
> It appears that it will do this forever.  We've tried every
> key combination we can think of to stop the cursor.  The
> control key stops it while it's down, but the minute you let
> up on the control key, the cursor starts moving again.   Some of
> the keys are doing strange things (the "h" works like the control
> key, stopping the cursor momentarily, the control Q prints it's
> bullet, etc.).  Has anyone seen this before?  Do we need a
> repairperson?

Sounds conspicuously like the joystick port.

If you have anything plugged in there, like a joystick, remove
it.  If not, well, gee, I guess ya' got prob'ms.