nms@hopd3.UUCP (Neil Scribner) Problem: poor resolution Tue, 23-Oct-84 05:07:40 EDT
lrosen@sunybcs.UUCP (Leonard Rosenblum) Vic-20 Terminal Program Fri, 26-Oct-84 02:56:37 EDT
wanttaja@ssc-vax.UUCP (Ronald J Wanttaja) Commodore PLUS/4 Fri, 26-Oct-84 03:00:58 EDT
street@homxa.UUCP (W.BLATT) The Consultant - DB Mgr. for the C64 Fri, 26-Oct-84 08:52:11 EDT
kurt@fluke.UUCP (Kurt Guntheroth) Re: Problem: poor resolution Fri, 26-Oct-84 09:16:13 EDT
kelvin@arizona.UUCP (Kelvin Nilsen) vt100 emulator Sat, 27-Oct-84 04:32:55 EDT
len@qumix.UUCP (Leonard Labar) Vicmodem to Mac conversion. Sun, 28-Oct-84 04:41:10 EST
stottlem@ittral.UUCP (Bill Stottlemyer) C64 reset problems Sun, 28-Oct-84 05:37:13 EST
doug@terak.UUCP (Doug Pardee) Re: 1541 Disk Alignment Software Review Sun, 28-Oct-84 05:57:38 EST
ctk@ecsvax.UUCP Sending break from a C64 Sun, 28-Oct-84 06:17:07 EST
joels@tektronix.UUCP (Joel Swank) RESET circuit for the Commodore 64 Sun, 28-Oct-84 06:34:01 EST
len@qumix.UUCP (Leonard Labar) VIC-1525 printer interface to Macintosh Mon, 29-Oct-84 02:38:37 EST
wanttaja@ssc-vax.UUCP (Ronald J Wanttaja) Additions to PLUS/4 Review Tue, 30-Oct-84 07:48:59 EST
stephenc@tektronix.UUCP (Stephen Coan ) Seive of Erasthones Correection Fri, 2-Nov-84 05:48:35 EST
bds@maxvax.UUCP Disk problem Fri, 2-Nov-84 05:59:41 EST
alan@uicsl.UUCP Repair help needed Fri, 2-Nov-84 06:10:57 EST
bahilchie@water.UUCP (Brian Hilchie) Re: Seive of Erasthones Correction Sat, 3-Nov-84 02:01:36 EST
bahilchie@water.UUCP (Brian Hilchie) Query on Commodore Synthesizer Sat, 3-Nov-84 02:03:22 EST
len@qumix.UUCP (Leonard Labar) Vic to Mac Null modem cable. Sat, 3-Nov-84 03:53:19 EST
knudsen@ihnss.UUCP Prime Sieve benchmarked on 6809 C, fast! Sat, 3-Nov-84 07:49:59 EST
kev@voder.UUCP (Kevin Hoskins) Re: Problem: poor resolution Sat, 3-Nov-84 08:05:37 EST
wanttaja@ssc-vax.UUCP (Ronald J Wanttaja) Re: Is there a market for a VT100 emulator? Sat, 3-Nov-84 20:46:38 EST
wanttaja@ssc-vax.UUCP (Ronald J Wanttaja) Commodore 16 Review (& more on +4) Sat, 3-Nov-84 20:46:59 EST
wanttaja@ssc-vax.UUCP (Ronald J Wanttaja) Re: Commodore 16 Review (& more on +4) Sat, 3-Nov-84 20:47:21 EST
len@qumix.UUCP (Leonard Labar) RS422 to IEEE488 convert Sun, 4-Nov-84 04:41:53 EST
rf@wu1.UUCP Does anyone know of an assembler for a C64? Sun, 4-Nov-84 05:06:49 EST
bahilchie@water.UUCP (Brian Hilchie) Re: 6809 C vs. 6502 C Mon, 5-Nov-84 06:35:22 EST
brad@looking.UUCP (Brad Templeton) Re: 6809 C vs. 6502 C Mon, 5-Nov-84 06:35:59 EST
gregory@noscvax.UUCP (Gregory L. Meckstroth) Need info on c64 assemblers Mon, 5-Nov-84 10:31:51 EST
henry@utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) Re: RS422 to IEEE488 convert Mon, 5-Nov-84 12:55:37 EST
rfox@sdcsvax.UUCP (Richard Fox) C - compiler Mon, 5-Nov-84 19:34:32 EST
rfox@sdcsvax.UUCP (Richard Fox) clock vs joystick Tue, 6-Nov-84 04:11:12 EST
mlhoff@aluxz.UUCP (KILPATRICK) Defective CP/M on c64 units Tue, 6-Nov-84 04:31:25 EST
notes@isucs1.UUCP s. density or d. density? Tue, 6-Nov-84 04:42:15 EST
pugsly@isrnix.UUCP (David Roth) Frank Prindle Tue, 6-Nov-84 05:01:10 EST
alford@ecsvax.UUCP replies to 1541 speedup query Tue, 6-Nov-84 05:13:20 EST
knudsen@ihnss.UUCP Re: 6809 vs 6502 Tue, 6-Nov-84 05:33:45 EST
mn@homxa.UUCP (M.NIEMEYER) Re: Loading a BASIC data file into 64 memory Tue, 6-Nov-84 06:37:06 EST
rick@sara70.UUCP (rick) Re: Does anyone know of an assembler for a C64? Wed, 7-Nov-84 00:57:58 EST
miller@uiucdcsb.UUCP Re: clock vs joystick Wed, 7-Nov-84 06:37:07 EST
cuda@ihuxf.UUCP (Mike Nelson) Re: clock vs joystick Wed, 7-Nov-84 08:12:03 EST
cuda@ihuxf.UUCP (Mike Nelson) Re: Need info on c64 assemblers Wed, 7-Nov-84 08:12:16 EST
knudsen@ihnss.UUCP I'm not the guy with C-64 "C" compiler Thu, 8-Nov-84 01:23:29 EST
engle@loral.UUCP (Jack Engle) HES.WARE Problems Thu, 8-Nov-84 04:10:13 EST
ken@turtlevax.UUCP (Ken Turkowski) Re: RS422 to IEEE488 convert Thu, 8-Nov-84 07:49:33 EST
neal@druxv.UUCP Re: Does anyone know of an assembler for a C64? Thu, 8-Nov-84 08:02:50 EST
len@qumix.UUCP (Leonard Labar) Mac interface to commodore printer Thu, 8-Nov-84 08:08:03 EST
ee173xed@sdcc3.UUCP ({|stu) joysticks, ports, and keyboards Thu, 8-Nov-84 09:34:08 EST
ee173xed@sdcc3.UUCP ({|stu) more on joysticks (keyboard interrupt correction) Thu, 8-Nov-84 09:34:26 EST
jf4@bonnie.UUCP (John Fourney) c-64 music review Fri, 9-Nov-84 06:39:54 EST
hall@noscvax.UUCP (Robert R. Hall) merlin assembler for c64 Sat, 10-Nov-84 03:23:21 EST
e-smith@utah-cs.UUCP (Eric L. Smith) Re: 6809 C vs. 6502 C Sat, 10-Nov-84 03:51:00 EST
neal@druny.UUCP (Neal D. McBurnett) terminal emulator for C64 with upload/download Sat, 10-Nov-84 07:31:15 EST
pugsly@isrnix.UUCP (David Roth) Re: HES.WARE Problems Sat, 10-Nov-84 08:06:45 EST
mp@allegra.UUCP (Mark Plotnick) long pauses when running C64 basic Sat, 10-Nov-84 09:58:46 EST
cem@intelca.UUCP (Chuck McManis) Re: RS422 to IEEE488 convert Sat, 10-Nov-84 10:23:37 EST
joels@tektronix.UUCP (Joel Swank) Re: s. density or d. density? Sat, 10-Nov-84 21:02:26 EST
wanttaja@ssc-vax.UUCP (Ronald J Wanttaja) Yet another addition to the C-16 review Sun, 11-Nov-84 21:01:23 EST
brad@looking.UUCP (Brad Templeton) CONTEST - what small micro has the tightest code? Mon, 12-Nov-84 09:42:47 EST
alford@ecsvax.UUCP commodore EDITOR64 question Tue, 13-Nov-84 01:12:02 EST
rfox@sdcsvax.UUCP (Richard Fox) VIPTERM Tue, 13-Nov-84 05:18:52 EST
wanttaja@ssc-vax.UUCP (Ronald J Wanttaja) Joysticks and keyboards and bears (oh my) Tue, 13-Nov-84 07:04:26 EST
pugsly@isrnix.UUCP (David Roth) MAE user's Group Tue, 13-Nov-84 07:43:04 EST
engle@loral.UUCP (Jack Engle) HES.WARE GR.BASIC Review. Wed, 14-Nov-84 04:28:53 EST
jmw@sdchema.UUCP (John M. Wright) Re: Mac interface to commodore printer Wed, 14-Nov-84 04:32:59 EST
ericksen@unc.UUCP (James P. Ericksen) Re: long pauses when running C64 basic Wed, 14-Nov-84 05:34:20 EST