Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/17/84 chuqui version 1.7 9/23/84; site nsc.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxj!ihnp4!nsc!singles@nsc.UUCP From: singles@nsc.UUCP Newsgroups: Subject: Re: phone numbers (V1 #3) Message-ID: <1607@nsc.UUCP> Date: Mon, 15-Oct-84 17:02:03 EDT Article-I.D.: nsc.1607 Posted: Mon Oct 15 17:02:03 1984 Date-Received: Tue, 16-Oct-84 06:25:12 EDT Sender: chuqui@nsc.UUCP Reply-To: ihnp4!houxm!hound!llfe Organization: The Warlocks Cave, Castrovalva Lines: 26 Approved: chuqui@nsc.UUCP Singles discussions Mon Oct 15 13:59:01 PDT 1984 Volume 1 : Issue 4 One of the replies I've used when asked for my number is "I'm sorry, I don't give out my phone number. Why don't you give me yours, and I'll call you." The other thing I've used and seen used (and reminds me of the problem that sefton had a while back) is avoiding giving out your last name. It may seem a bit crazy, but giving your full name to somebody means they can probably find you in the phone book. This means that they now have your phone number, and your address. I get nervous enough without knowing that some unknown person has my name, number, and address. Not to mention that I get real tired of crank calls at 3 in the morning real fast. :-) Lynda -- From the Department of Bistromatics: Chuq Von Rospach {cbosgd,decwrl,fortune,hplabs,ihnp4,seismo}!nsc!chuqui nsc!chuqui@decwrl.ARPA How about 'reason for living?' (Editors note: Bistromatics is NOT a typo. Bistromathics is the study of math on an italian waiters checkpad. Bistromatics is the study of Italian cooking on females of the human species. Please quit sending me mail)