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From: singles@nsc.UUCP
Subject: Singles discussions   V1 #3
Message-ID: <1599@nsc.UUCP>
Date: Sat, 13-Oct-84 23:29:31 EDT
Article-I.D.: nsc.1599
Posted: Sat Oct 13 23:29:31 1984
Date-Received: Sun, 14-Oct-84 08:34:10 EDT
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Organization: The Warlocks Cave, Castrovalva
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Singles discussions     Sat Oct 13 19:59:08 PDT 1984    Volume 1 : Issue 3

 From: Deevie
 Subject: Re: Picking up on Women's Signals (Part II):  Phone Numbers

I am also for the interested party giving his/her
own phone number instead of asking for the other's.
In a way, it's already asking the person to open up and
give you something of themselves, and they may not want
to do that or be ready to do that.  I have been asked for
my phone number by guys who I was really not at all interested in;
they either were not perceptive enough to see it or didn't care.
At the same time, it's an outright rejection to say "No,
you can't have my phone number," so what does the nice girl/woman
do?  Here's where the cop-out answer comes in: "Uh, I don't
have a phone," or, "Well, I'm not home most of the time. . ."

This other way, if the other person really IS interested,
s/he'll call.  If not, s/he hasn't been pushed on.


"Mercy mercy, Mr. Percy, there ain't nothin' back in Jersey
 But a broken-down jalopy of a man I left behind. . ."

From the Department of Bistromatics:                   Chuq Von Rospach
{cbosgd,decwrl,fortune,hplabs,ihnp4,seismo}!nsc!chuqui  nsc!chuqui@decwrl.ARPA

How about 'reason for living?'