Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/17/84 chuqui version 1.7 9/23/84; site nsc.UUCP Path: utzoo!decvax!harpo!whuxlm!spuxll!abnjh!mhuxv!mhuxr!mhuxj!ihnp4!nsc!singles@nsc.UUCP From: singles@nsc.UUCP Newsgroups: Subject: Singles discussions V1 #1 Message-ID: <1559@nsc.UUCP> Date: Wed, 10-Oct-84 08:37:43 EDT Article-I.D.: nsc.1559 Posted: Wed Oct 10 08:37:43 1984 Date-Received: Thu, 11-Oct-84 01:17:15 EDT Sender: chuqui@nsc.UUCP Organization: The Warlocks Cave, Castrovalva Lines: 74 Approved: chuqui@nsc.UUCP From: Chuqui (The Moderator)Singles discussions Wed Oct 10 05:05:17 PDT 1984 Volume 1 : Issue 1 Today's topics: Welcome to! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed Oct 10 05:06:20 PDT 1984 From: chuqui@nsc.UUCP Subject: Welcome to This is the introductory message to the new newsgroup. This group was created to be a moderated form of Moderated newsgroups are being used in an attempt to help reduce the number of messages being sent to inappropriate groups and to reduce the number of duplicate replies we see to certain questions that come up. One hope for is that it will be a group that can be read by people that don't have time to read all of the information available in right now. This group will not be replacing, it will work in cooperation with it. Since is moderated, you cannot directly post followups to the group. Instead, you should MAIL your followups to the address 'nsc!singles' by whatever route can get you there. Nsc talks to many of the major sites on the network including ihnp4, cbosgd, decwrl, and seismo. Sites that have converted to 2.10.2 (highly recommended) can set up the postnews program to do this for the users by adding the appropriate address in the 'moderators' file. Administrators are strongly encouraged to do this. People with comments about the administration of the group itself should mail these to 'nsc!singles-request', not 'nsc!singles'. To start with I am setting up some basic groundrules for the group. These can (and will) change as feedback and experience show ways to improve things. 1) do not attempt to post to AND Except under special dispensation of the moderator (me) nothing that I see in will show up in This is to reduce duplication. 2) If I don't believe that an article is appropriate for the topic, I will return it to you and suggest alternate groups or modifications that would make it appropriate. If you disagree with me I'll be happy to let you attempt to change my mind. If you don't, you can always post it to instead. 3) I will do the minimum amount of editing possible to support the format of I'm planning to distribute these as ARPANET digest style messages so header information will be compressed. In some cases I will try to condense excerpts from other articles when they are longer than they need to be, but if possible I'll let you do it instead. 4) digests will come out as often as volume dictates, but at least once a week unless I get no messages at all. 5) I will only post unique replies to a question. Duplicates of things that have already been submitted or posted will be returned. If you still want your voice to be heard, you can mail it directly to the asker, of course. If you have comments or questions on this, please feel free to drop me a line at 'nsc!singles-request' or 'nsc!chuqui'. I hope this group will be a good thing for everyone but the only way I'll be able to make it that is with feedback. Get those messages pouring in, folks! chuq ------------------------------ End of digest ***************************** -- From the Department of Bistromatics: Chuq Von Rospach {amd,decwrl,fortune,hplabs,ihnp4}!nsc!chuqui nsc!chuqui@decwrl.ARPA How about 'reason for living?'