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Path: utzoo!hcrvax!hcradm!chrisr
From: chrisr@hcradm.UUCP (Chris Retterath)
Newsgroups: can.politics
Subject: Re: Bryce and the Pork Barrel
Message-ID: <1289@hcradm.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 16-Oct-84 17:50:20 EDT
Article-I.D.: hcradm.1289
Posted: Tue Oct 16 17:50:20 1984
Date-Received: Sat, 20-Oct-84 01:15:12 EDT
References: <823@ubc-ean.CDN>
Organization: Human Computing Resources, Toronto
Lines: 20

 > One thing you can say about politicians  - they sure know how to look
 > after their own.
 >	J.B. Robinson

I agree totally. For an even more obscene example, look at the indexed
pensions received by all MPs. Civil servants also get indexed pensions.
Civil servants are forced to make large contributions to their pension
funds, but of course general tax revenues are always around to take up
the slack. MPs do not make such large contributions, and consequently
their pensions are totally inexcusable, in my opinion.

Insurance people get the most upset when I discuss this with them,
but I have yet to meet ANYONE who agrees with this setup. Is there
anyone on the net who has a prevailing argument? I would like to
hear it!

		Chris Retterath
		also available:	....!cygnus!chris