Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site ubc-ean.CDN Path: utzoo!utcsrgv!ubc-vision!ubc-ean!robinson From: robinson@ubc-ean.CDN (Jim Robinson) Newsgroups: can.politics Subject: Bryce and the Pork Barrel Message-ID: <823@ubc-ean.CDN> Date: Mon, 15-Oct-84 22:15:34 EDT Article-I.D.: ubc-ean.823 Posted: Mon Oct 15 22:15:34 1984 Date-Received: Tue, 16-Oct-84 01:42:09 EDT Organization: UBC EAN, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Lines: 23 * While reading the Globe and Mail on Saturday I came across an interesting little fact of which I was previously unaware. Namely that one Bryce Mackasey at present receives a pension from Air Canada of $24,000 a year. Perhaps if Mr. Mackasey had put in a few decades with the company I would not now begrudge him this money, but when one considers that he had been chairman of the airline for only **9 months** it kinda makes you stop and think. I could have understood giving Mr. M some severance pay as he was basically being fired for being in the wrong party. ( Apparently he waived this ) But, to give the man $24,000 a year for the rest of his life for only nine months of service is ludicrous at best. If someone could offer a justification for this I would very much like to hear it. However, at this point I can not see any and considering that Air Canada is a Crown Corporation I must admit that after my initial shock I am not really surprised. One thing you can say about politicians - they sure know how to look after their own. J.B. Robinson