Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 beta 3/9/83; site utecfc.UUCP Path: utzoo!utcsrgv!utai!uthub!utecfa!utecfc!thompso From: thompso@utecfc.UUCP (Mark Thompson) Newsgroups: can.politics Subject: re: CAPITAL PUNISHMENT REFERENDUM Message-ID: <18@utecfc.UUCP> Date: Thu, 4-Oct-84 16:47:09 EDT Article-I.D.: utecfc.18 Posted: Thu Oct 4 16:47:09 1984 Date-Received: Thu, 4-Oct-84 20:22:28 EDT Organization: Engineering Computing Facility, University of Toronto Lines: 40 Eugene Fiume writes: >I hope it's obvious to everyone that the recent calls for the return of the >death penalty is almost totally the result of a media blitz. Just as the >the incredible number of polls prior to the election shaped public opinion, >instead of the other way around, the irrational over-reaction by police and >others to the obvious death-wishes of a few nutcases has been sickeningly >exploited by the media. The behaviour of our news media is a wonderful >argument against referenda. What utter garbage! Calls for the return of capital punishment have been heard ever since the spineless ones in Ottawa got rid of it. All the media is doing is reporting on public opinion that is being voiced even more vocally due to the recent rash of police slayings. How would you feel if you were a policeman Eugene? It has been shown that polls have little effect on public opinion. They merely happen to report on what that opinion is at the time. You would find that those supporting capital punishment are a consistent majority. Sounds like you are sore about the landslide conservative victory the way you are beefing about opinion polls but remember that they were merely reporting what was evident - people were REALLY sick of the gang who had been in Ottawa the last two decades. The media has little to do with a referendum other than informing people on current events. A referendum would be a true measure of what people want. Sounds like you're scared that the pro capital punishment side would easily win!!!!!! Mark Thompson UTME