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Path: utzoo!utcsrgv!ubc-vision!ubc-ean!robinson
From: robinson@ubc-ean.CDN (Jim Robinson)
Newsgroups: can.politics
Subject: Referendums
Message-ID: <804@ubc-ean.CDN>
Date: Mon, 8-Oct-84 00:23:38 EDT
Article-I.D.: ubc-ean.804
Posted: Mon Oct  8 00:23:38 1984
Date-Received: Tue, 2-Oct-84 04:04:20 EDT
Organization: UBC EAN, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Lines: 12

Brian Mulroney thinks that a national referendum on capital
punishment would be contrary to the principles of British
parliamentary government. Could it be that what he is really
worried about is that once the people are given a taste of
actually governing themselves they may begin to wonder if
perhaps there are other matters that they should be having
a direct say in, as opposed to leaving them for our omnipotent 
government in Ottawa to decide ?

                                         J.B. Robinson