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Path: utzoo!utcsrgv!ubc-vision!ubc-ean!robinson
From: robinson@ubc-ean.CDN (Jim Robinson)
Newsgroups: can.politics
Subject: Federal Sales Tax Increase
Message-ID: <803@ubc-ean.CDN>
Date: Mon, 1-Oct-84 23:58:04 EDT
Article-I.D.: ubc-ean.803
Posted: Mon Oct  1 23:58:04 1984
Date-Received: Tue, 2-Oct-84 03:47:14 EDT
Organization: UBC EAN, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Lines: 11

So, after calling it a "recession tax" and claiming that it would cost
thousands of jobs, the PCs have gone ahead with the Liberals' 
increase in the federal sales tax. Well, if unemployment goes up
and a new recession hits us, it should be rather easy to point
an accusing finger, and say "*you* told us so".

                                             J.B. Robinson

"Here's the new boss, same as the old boss"