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Path: utzoo!hcrvax!tracy
From: tracy@hcrvax.UUCP (Tracy Tims)
Newsgroups: can.politics
Subject: Communism and Socialism
Message-ID: <1227@hcrvax.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 25-Sep-84 20:26:10 EDT
Article-I.D.: hcrvax.1227
Posted: Tue Sep 25 20:26:10 1984
Date-Received: Fri, 28-Sep-84 01:34:20 EDT
Organization: Human Computing Resources, Toronto
Lines: 11

While both socialism and communism require centralized control of the
economy towards the greater good of all (as defined by the state), socialism
allows private ownership of capital resources and communism does not.

This is fairly orthogonal to the idea of ``political system''.  A strong
element of what is ordinarily called ``communism'' is control by the people
via voting.  Not that I think any of this has been implemented anywhere.

                              Tracy Tims    {linus,allegra,decvax}!watmath!...
   Human Computing Resources Corporation             {lbl-csa,ihnp4,utzoo}!...
 Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  416 922-1937                   ...hcr!hcrvax!tracy