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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!wjb
From: wjb@burl.UUCP (Bill Buie)
Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm
Subject: I got dem disk drive blues
Message-ID: <509@burl.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 18-Jul-84 13:29:29 EDT
Article-I.D.: burl.509
Posted: Wed Jul 18 13:29:29 1984
Date-Received: Thu, 19-Jul-84 03:17:52 EDT
Organization: AT&T Technologies; Burlington, NC
Lines: 26

I think I have encountered the famous 1541 alignment problem. 
Depending on the mood my C64 is in, I get any of the following
error coditions:

--I get the message "file not found"

--It says "loading", then the disk drive dies.  No more whirring
sound.  I can recover control with the run/stop key.

--It says "loading" and it never stops loading.  The drive just
whirs and whirs and whirs.  Control is regained as above.

--It loads the program, but the program either will not run ("error
in 450" or somesuch message) or hangs the system.  Control cannot be
recovered in the latter case without turning the C64 off and on.

Now, my questions: First, is this an alignment problem?  And how can
I fix it myself?

If it is the alignment problem, then replies are probably worth
posting to the net.  Otherwise, send them to me.  Thanks in advance
to all.

				--Bill Buie