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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxl!ihnp4!ihuxq!eps
From: eps@ihuxq.UUCP (E. P. Schan)
Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm
Subject: Speedscript bug?
Message-ID: <690@ihuxq.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 22-Feb-84 09:33:57 EST
Article-I.D.: ihuxq.690
Posted: Wed Feb 22 09:33:57 1984
Date-Received: Fri, 24-Feb-84 00:26:43 EST
Organization: AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, IL
Lines: 22

My son is using Speedscript to type a high school research paper and
in using it we have come up against a couple of problems.  First it
seems to make the lines about two characters shorter then expected
based on the left and right margin settings.  Actually, I haven't
completely verified this but there is an obvious work around.  The
more serious problem is that it sometimes ends the line too soon, i.e.,
the next work would have fit on the line but a new line is started any
way.  This seems to happen with medium sized (or larger?) words, around
seven characters long.  It does not happen with small words.  Perhaps
Speedscript is squeezing small words on the current line in which case
lines are being shorted by more then I thought.  Has anyone else seen
this problem and do you know of a fix or a work around?  Also, if
anyone has disassembled the code, I'd appreciate a pointer to the
area of the code which determines a line break.

Thanks in advance,

Ed Schan
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Naperville, Il
(312) 979-7355