Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site dartvax.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!decvax!dartvax!robertm From: robertm@dartvax.UUCP (Robert P. Munafo) Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm Subject: Re: more on c64 joysticks - (nf) Message-ID: <752@dartvax.UUCP> Date: Tue, 21-Feb-84 22:10:21 EST Article-I.D.: dartvax.752 Posted: Tue Feb 21 22:10:21 1984 Date-Received: Wed, 22-Feb-84 04:44:01 EST References: <5609@uiucdcs.UUCP> Organization: Dartmouth College Lines: 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------- The control keys slows down output on the Commodore 64 because the Kernal screen output routine checks for the control key every time it calls the Scroll Up routine. Programs can disable this "feature" by using a different screen output routine - one which does not delay on screen scrolling when control is held down. Robert P. Munafo ...!{decvax,linus}!dartvax!robertm