Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site inuxd.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!security!genrad!grkermit!masscomp!clyde!floyd!whuxle!pyuxll!abnjh!u1100a!pyuxn!pyuxww!mhuxm!mhuxl!ihnp4!inuxc!inuxd!porter From: porter@inuxd.UUCP Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm Subject: Re: Word Processor reviews wanted Message-ID: <430@inuxd.UUCP> Date: Sat, 4-Feb-84 00:33:24 EST Article-I.D.: inuxd.430 Posted: Sat Feb 4 00:33:24 1984 Date-Received: Tue, 31-Jan-84 02:40:05 EST References: <881@cbosgd.UUCP> Organization: AT&T Consumer Products Div., Indianapolis Lines: 35 Mark, If you are intested in the Mercedes of word processors for the C64 might I suggest PAPERCLIP 64. Quick Brown Fox is definitly the poorest excuse for a word processor on the market today - only recently out done by HESwriter. PAPERCLIP might cost a little more, but some think it is worth it. Check it out before you buy however - everyone's tastes are different. If you are a little low on cash, COMPUTE'S Gazette published an all machine language word processor for the 64 in their January issue. I haven't finished typing it in, but it looks like it was design like VI - with nmeumonic (sp?) controls that seem easy to remember. Best of all, it costs only the price of the magazine. Wordpro3+ has been the defacto standard for Commodore word processing for many years. This is what everyone compares word processors to. Still a bit pricey. Easyscript is the most popular for the 64 and is an improved version of Wordpro3. If you have special requirements, maybe you want TOTL.TEXT or PAGEMATE - both written in BASIC with machine language routines to make them useful. The best part is that you can custom tailor the WP to your needs. TOTL.TEXT also is the only WP to do footnotes. PAGEMATE breaks lines only at spaces to make the text on the screen more readable. I haven't looked at CUT&PASTE from Electronic Arts, so I can't comment. Beware of their copy protection. The programs will only load with a 1541 drive - nothing else. WRITE-NOW has received favorable reviews from the Midnite/PAPER. The only ones to really stay away from are QBF and HESwriter. Jeff Porter (inuxd!porter) AT&T Consumer Products Indianapolis