Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!seismo!harpo!eagle!mhuxl!ihnp4!inuxc!pur-ee!uiucdcs!mcewan From: mcewan@uiucdcs.UUCP Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm Subject: Re: Is the C64 going the way of the grea - (nf) Message-ID: <4527@uiucdcs.UUCP> Date: Thu, 15-Dec-83 22:26:40 EST Article-I.D.: uiucdcs.4527 Posted: Thu Dec 15 22:26:40 1983 Date-Received: Sat, 17-Dec-83 08:10:12 EST Lines: 11 #R:mprvaxa:-42400:uiucdcs:36100021:000:369 uiucdcs!mcewan Dec 15 16:08:00 1983 Yes, I've heard rumors that the C64 will be discontinued and replaced by something new and incompatible. But even if that's true, why should it affect the marketing of software for the C64? There's already something like 2 million C64s out there. There's going to be a big market for C64 software (and hardware) for a good long time. Scott McEwan uiucdcs!mcewan