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Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!seismo!harpo!floyd!vax135!cornell!uw-beaver!ubc-visi!mprvaxa!barnes
From: barnes@mprvaxa
Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm
Subject: Is the C64 going the way of the great white awk?
Message-ID: <424@mprvaxa.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 12-Dec-83 16:32:23 EST
Article-I.D.: mprvaxa.424
Posted: Mon Dec 12 16:32:23 1983
Date-Received: Thu, 15-Dec-83 01:43:00 EST
Organization: Microtel Pacific Research, Burnaby BC
Lines: 10

I was just in a local Computer store and the fellow in the store told me
that as of next month software for the C64 would be hard to get because
the C64 has been discontinued.  Does anyone know anything official?
I am reluctant to believe something like this the first time I hear it (I
don't want to believe it either, since I just bought one of the things).

Michael Barnes
Microtel Pacific Research		..!ubc-vision!mprvaxa!barnes