Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site mprvaxa.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!decvax!microsoft!uw-beaver!ubc-visi!mprvaxa!barnes From: barnes@mprvaxa Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm Subject: Is there any C64 terminal emulation software that vi will understand? Message-ID: <400@mprvaxa.UUCP> Date: Thu, 24-Nov-83 13:11:41 EST Article-I.D.: mprvaxa.400 Posted: Thu Nov 24 13:11:41 1983 Date-Received: Thu, 1-Dec-83 04:19:22 EST Organization: Microtel Pacific Research, Burnaby BC Lines: 9 Has any C64 owner out there (there must be someone) written terminal emulation software for a terminal that vi understands that they would be willing to share with us other C64 owners, or know if there is public domain stuff available? I don't particularly want to pay $100 (I think that's the price I saw for one terminal program) just to use vi at home. -- Michael Barnes Microtel Pacific Research ..!ubc-vision!mprvaxa!barnes