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From: wjv@ihuxi.UUCP
Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm
Subject: Re: problem with C64 and Vicmodem
Message-ID: <421@ihuxi.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 31-May-83 14:58:09 EDT
Article-I.D.: ihuxi.421
Posted: Tue May 31 14:58:09 1983
Date-Received: Tue, 7-Jun-83 10:46:24 EDT
References: <202@presby.UUCP>
Organization: BTL Naperville, Il.
Lines: 15

   The number for the CBM hotline is ( 1 - 215 - 431-9100 ). This number is
NOT toll free (800) and is always VERY busy. It usually takes 10-20 attempts
to get thru!!!!

                            GOOD LUCK
                                    William Vojak    (WEco)

P.S. Has any one found out how to do SMOOTH scrolling when, You are using
print statement which are not all the same?
  i.e.  Every line of the scroll different than the one before it.
        When I use the sample program in the Ref. manual and change
        the print statments, the program develops a 8 pixel downward
        bounce or flicker.