From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!cmcl2!philabs!sdcsvax!denise
Title: Re: Harassment?
Article-I.D.: sdcsvax.86
Posted: Tue Jan 25 10:42:29 1983
Received: Fri Jan 28 08:46:17 1983
References: brunix.1284 hou5a.215

I am female and I see nothing wrong in posting sexually explicit photos in
out of the way places, if the office where this is done does not deal
with the public.  Where I used to work my boss had a very nice digitized
picture of Miss September (an old one) on his wall, nobody objected to
it yet at the school I used to go to they had the same picture (and a
few others posted on the walls in the computer lab and one of the
female instructers complained.  (They were not taken down.)