From: utzoo!decvax!duke!harpo!eagle!mhtsa!alice!npoiv!npois!bsg
Title: Re: Harassment? parse date string
Article-I.D.: npois.1630
Posted: Thu Jan 20 13:59:39 1983
Received: Sun Jan 23 05:32:19 1983
References: u1100a.282

Just thought I'd give a woman's opinion on the topic,
although of course I speak only for myself.  If someone
goes thru a door ahead of me and holds it for me, I thank that person.
If I go thru a door and someone is immediately behind me, I hold
the door for that person.  If I am walking with a person and that person
speeds up to reach the door ahead of me & holds it open for me, I thank
the person.  If no one opens the door for me, I open it for myself.
In other words, I think it's a non-issue.

On the other hand, I think sexual harassment is a very serious issue,
and much more widespread than most people realize.  I think men are
generally less aware of it than women, not because they are any less
sensitive or understanding, but simply because it happens more
frequently to women, and because women to whom it happens are more
likely to discuss it with other women.

While I certainly don't consider the holding open of doors to be sexual
harassment, sexual harassment can occur in many ways.  Sexual harassment
consists of much more than continued employment and/or promotion being
contingent upon "the granting of sexual favors;"  that is simply its most
severe form.  Any unwelcome physical contact is sexual harassment; so is
the display of pin-up posters, calendars, etc.  I once had to spend
several hours a week working with a man whose office was entirely papered
with centerfolds (disclaimer: this was NOT at any Bell company).  I was
extremely uncomfortable the entire time I was in that office.  I
wouldn't have cared if his bookshelves were filled with girly magazines,
but I certainly did care about the pictures that I was forced to look at.

This is an extremely serious issue; let's not trivialize it.

					Billie Goldstein
					American Bell
					Neptune NJ