From: utzoo!mark
Newsgroups: net.jokes
Title: Re: Mathematicians Vs. Engineers - (nf) 
Article-I.D.: utzoo.2770
Posted: Fri Jan 21 00:45:27 1983
Received: Fri Jan 21 00:45:27 1983
References: uiucdcs.1346 

three scientists were traveling through scotland by train.  they were an
astronomer, a physicist and a mathematician [it's a good thing the astronomy
and physics departments here aren't on the net!].  they were watching the
scenery out the window when they saw a lone black sheep on a hillside.

"look!" said the astronomer, "the sheep in scotland are black."

"no," replied the physicist, "you can only say that some of the sheep in 
scotland are black".

after a while the mathematician spoke up.  "actually, all we know is that at
least one sheep in scotland is black, on at least one side". 

			this is pretty good, from which you may conclude
			that it is not my invention.

			not afraid to sign my name
			univ. of toronto