From: utzoo!decvax!microsof!andyp Newsgroups: net.unix-wizards Title: 3.0 nice system call Article-I.D.: microsof.6171 Posted: Wed Mar 23 14:28:39 1983 Received: Thu Mar 24 20:34:56 1983 v7 nice returns -1 for error, 0 for no error. 3.0 nice returns -1 for error, (resulting_nice_value - 20) for no error. resulting_nice_value is in the range (0 <= n <= 39). What happens when a 3.0 utility does a nice which results in a priority of 19 (e.g. starts at normal priority, then does a nice(-1))? It would seem that nice will return -1, which is (almost) indistinguishable from the error return. (True, one could look at errno, but who wants to go through all of that). Suggestions or comments? Andy Padawer Microsoft ...decvax!microsoft!andyp