From: utzoo!decvax!wivax!linus!smk Newsgroups: net.unix-wizards Title: 4.1 kernel questions Article-I.D.: linus.15820 Posted: Mon Mar 14 12:56:11 1983 Received: Thu Mar 17 21:01:15 1983 I have a few questions dealing with the kernel of 4.1. In the VAX, there is a Process Control Block. What structure(s) in UNIX correspond to this? Is it the u structure? From my understanding, the PCB cannot be altered in size, so whichever structure uses it must have a particular size. What is that size? Are there unused entries in UNIX in the UNIX-defined structure? If UNIX does use all the entries in the PCB, and it needs to also keep other process/user information around, is there another structure (that can be extended) that could be used for such a purpose? Also, can anyone tell me what structures are used for process switching and where in the code it is done? Where are the elements about a user and those about a process related? Where do they differ? What structures correspond to each? How are they initialized? Thank you GREATLY for any response. --steve