From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!npoiv!npois!houxm!3363ewf
Title: Re: Hot Steaming M*A*S*H Trivia Contest
Article-I.D.: houxm.343
Posted: Fri Mar 11 12:21:09 1983
Received: Sat Mar 12 06:16:23 1983
References: whuxlb.1005

Here are the answers to the questions.  How come know one else

1. The triple A high school diploma company of Delavan Indiana
2. BY mixing 5 parts gin while looking at a picture of the
   inventor of vermooth, his name escapes me.
3. Speaking to Radar he said that he better be good or I'll
   come back and kick your butt.
4. Near the Dearborn ST. station in Chicago.
5. George Morgan
6. Battle Creek Michigan

BONUS:  Hammond Barker Clayton Lee Kelly Steele Mitchell and others