From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!vax135!ariel!orion!lime!houti!hogpc!houxz!ihnp4!ihuxt!iasia Newsgroups: net.religion Title: response Article-I.D.: ihuxt.180 Posted: Wed Mar 23 20:29:29 1983 Received: Fri Mar 25 06:38:12 1983 Reply-To: iasia@ihuxt.UUCP (BRENT TAYLOR) first the juvenile response to ms. klick., *&*(*()_()(&^&^%^$%%$$ Now that I've got that out of my system. ( I hope you notice the poor punctuation and spelling.) Standing up to the fundamentalist nonsense that pervades this group, at times, does not make one anti-Christian. It does however make one anti-stupid and often anti-repressionist. They can flame all they want about me not understanding they bible and about how I are going to suffer for my crimes against god, and god fearing people, but they can't refute the fact that they are trying to enforce absolutist repressionistic policies that will not tolerate questioning, the existence of other beliefs or the lack of beliefs. Don't get me wrong, this has very little to do with most folks with Christian views. On the whole I'd have to say that most Christians that I've met seem to be fairly decent people. I even have a few friends who are Christians ( though I won't mention their names ). I don't seem to have any friends who are fundamentalists though. I have a few that claim to be, but when it comes down to brass tacks they are paying lip service to the idea to keep their friends happy and living the way that they want to. It is possible that some of us ( myself included ) have stepped on some toes while defending freedom of religion in this media. I apologize to those who are willing to accept questioning of beliefs. I do especially apologize to those quiet few who have been attempting to hold a reasonable polite discussion in this group. It could just be that religious beliefs are too closely tied to emotions to be calmly discussed in a semi-public forum. I do not ( REPEAT NOT ) apologize to those who respond to these questions like rabid dogs. These people are properly known as FANATICS, they are dangerous and should be recognized as such. Nor do I apologize to those who will claim that the Christian bible is absolute on one line and freely interpret it on the next. This practice is known as weasel wording. Nor do I apologize to those who claim that the bible is absolute, free of any contradictions, but will only defend their favorite version. If you're gone to defend a translation you'd best defend the source of the translation and take on all questions, not just the ones you feel like answering. What I believe in or don't believe in is my own business. It remains my business unless I try to force it down other peoples throats. Since thats what this might appear to be, heres what I believe. I believe that I'll have another beer. I am going to continue to defend my lack of tightly held beliefs hear. Rambling and disjointed as always, TAYLOR THEY RABBLE ROUSER.