From: utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!CAD:tektronix!teklabs!mikec Newsgroups: net.religion Title: Test of Truth Article-I.D.: teklabs.1825 Posted: Mon Mar 14 18:40:05 1983 Received: Fri Mar 18 02:10:28 1983 I propose that we carry out some fairly simple scientific experiments to determine if the Bible is REALLY TRULY inerrant. 1. According to the Apostle Paul (1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV) "Prove all things ; hold fast that which is good." Mark 16:17..18 (KJV) claims "the Lord" Jesus Christ said "... In my name ... They shall take up serpents ; and if they drink any deadly thing , it shall not hurt them ..." If the Bible is inerrant and the believer has sufficient "faith" then it naturally follows that a believer should be able to handle deadly snakes and drink poison without harm. I will supply the DEADLY SNAKE and the DEADLY POISON (out of my own pocket money). I will also set up an impartial committee (say half believers and half skeptics) to judge this extraordinary event. Before any true believers eagerly rush forward to be included in the 1760 foot sign-up sheet (the length of a standard size roll of toilet paper) I feel obligated to inform them of just a few past "experiments" that were less than successful. June 2,1952 Lanier County, Georga : an ever faithful woman named Parker died from snake bite while showing Biblical Truth in action. August 31,1955 (UPI) Stagg Lane, Tennessee : a woman (Yost) became the fifteenth member of a pious serpent sect to bite the dust (after being bitten by God's snake) since 1940. April 8,1973 Newport, Tennessee : two preachers by the name of Williams and Pack died from demonstrating their prodigious faith by drinking strychnine. October 21,1974 Wayne, West Virginia : one true believer named Richardson died from snake bite while showing how "the Lord was with him". This occurred two months after his father-in- law died demonstrating the same trick (the forever credulous are always such slow learners). Of course, if the subject should fail this test, several books could be written by any apologist explaining why God was preoccupied (a call of nature perhaps) or how little faith the deceased possed. 2. Matthew 17:20 (KJV) informs us "And Jesus said ... If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." This test is even simpler than the preceding one. Ruling out trickery would be easy. Object : move a medium sized mountain (to be named prior to any attempts to mobilize) an agreed upon distance (at least "yonder" meters) during a specified time interval (thus eliminating any contribution due to continental drift and/or erosion). Note that such a demonstration (under the proper scientific controls) would certainly convince us skeptics that something supernatural was going on (IF the subject moves the mountain). All contestants should contact their favorite "Faith" healer to verify that their credulity is in tune before ordering any entry forms from me. Micheal D. Cranford Tektronix Teklabs