From: utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!sjk
Newsgroups: net.religion
Title: Re: Some complain that the Bible is ambiguous and unclear. Why?
Article-I.D.: ucbvax.7
Posted: Mon Mar 14 02:47:10 1983
Received: Thu Mar 17 21:06:33 1983
References: unc.4769

It seems to me that the only Biblical "validity" worth anything is whether
or not it inspires you towards better living (and I'd rather not argue
what's "better").  I say the same for all books claimed to be of divine
inspiration... if the Bhagavad-Gita turns me on and the Bible doesn't, who
are YOU to tell ME where my heart is at???  The majority of Biblical and
Christian preaching these days is hardly done from a loving space.

And like I said in net.philosophy, how would I know you're a Christian if
you didn't tell me?  By your works??
