From: utzoo!decvax!microsof!uw-beave!cornell!vax135!ariel!hou5f!npoiv!harpo!seismo!rlgvax!thekid Newsgroups: net.religion Title: existence of one God Article-I.D.: rlgvax.1146 Posted: Sun Mar 6 17:42:18 1983 Received: Wed Mar 9 02:57:05 1983 RE: Larry Wall on proving the existence of one God. (Isa 44:16,17); DEEP BREATH... The God of Gen. 1 is the ancient god, Elohim or El; of Gen 2:, YHWH, (a "self existent" facet of Elohim) who is the Father (with the birth) of the Son, Jesus, the "Word", quoted "the Father and I are One". Jesus is also a facet of the original plural Elohim--the One "I AM". The book of Job (as well as the exchange between Abram and Melchizedek) show the transition from El to YHWH; the gospels show the relationship of YHWH to Jesus. The remainder of the New Testament reverts in terminology to a single designation, i.e. "God". Larry, I liked your note about God's sense of humor... He has a great one! And sarcasm too, etc. etc. stepping into new waters, thekid ...![ seismo, mcnc, lime ]!rlgvax!thekid