From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!vax135!cornell!tesla!jeff Newsgroups: Title: Re: Pentax 110 SLR Article-I.D.: tesla.12 Posted: Fri Mar 18 18:06:25 1983 Received: Wed Mar 23 19:29:05 1983 References: hogpc.39 I have a 110 and the 18mm and 70mm lenses. The camera is well-made and cute, and packs a lot of versatility in a small package. However if all you're interested in is good pictures, without the interchangeable lenses, I'd recommend a Minox 35GT or Olympus XA, both of which are full 35mm. I have them both, and find the optics on the Minox better than those on the Olympus, although the coupled rangefinder on the Olympus is a nice feature. The Minox lets you use any flash, the Olympus requires use of the Olympus flash. I doubt 110 will go off the market during the lifetime of any 110 camera bought now, even though Kodak undoubtedly makes much more from Disk film. Print quality is good to 4 X 5, noticeably inferior to 35mm above that. I note the new finer-grained Kodacolor films are being made available in 35, some in Disk, but have seen nothing about 110. The Pentax 110 is a neat gadget, but for really good snaps get a small 35 or for serious creativity get a 35SLR (for photojournalism get a rangefinder camera, e.g., Leica or Minolta CLE) jeff