From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!npoiv!alice!wolit
Title: Kodak 5247 film
Article-I.D.: alice.1614
Posted: Sat Mar 12 15:56:37 1983
Received: Sun Mar 13 10:31:11 1983

Does anyone out there have any experience with Kodak 5247 film?
It apparently produces both positive and negative transparancies, so
it can be used for (cheap) prints as well as slides.
Supposed to give wide exposure latitude, ASA 100, and can be pushed
higher.  The ad I have claims it's derived from movie film.
It's advertised by several processing companies at "low introductory
prices," like $1.00 per roll (and $4.60 for processing and a new roll
-- all 20 exposure).

Is this stuff any good?  How sharp is it, how grainy, how's the color
balance?  Any comments?

	Jan Wolitzky, BTL MH, rabbit!wolit