From: utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!CAD:tektronix!tekecs!randals
Newsgroups: net.religion,net.philosophy
Title: points to ponder
Article-I.D.: tekecs.604
Posted: Wed Mar  9 12:36:34 1983
Received: Thu Mar 10 05:21:36 1983

A couple of totally unrelated topics (maybe), but stuck together
so as to consume less disk space:

(1)	So far, my experience with classic religions has been such that:
		For any religion X, the paradigm of that religion separates
		people into two groups: those that follow religion X
		and agree to its principles, and those that don't follow
		religion X.  All members of religion X are instructed
		to either: (1) put up with/ tolerate/ cope with people
		that are not X, or (2) try to change them into becoming
		members of religion X.

	My question:  is there a religion that you know of that doesn't
	fit this category?  Be honest with yourself... and me.  Look hard.

(2)	What is the real difference between "net.religion", and
	"net.philosophy.flame"?  Howcum anybody can say just about anything
	on net.phil* and it's o.k., but on net.rel* people get cut to

Reply to me, or the net.  I will make no commitment to summarize (or not)
or redistribute the comments (or not).

Randal L. ("7777 days old today!") Schwartz
Tektronix Engineering Computing Systems
Wilsonville, Oregon, USA

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