From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!eagle!mhtsa!alice!npoiv!eisx!pyuxll!jmnm
Newsgroups: net.micro
Title: Olympic Sales Called, RE: C64 Prices
Article-I.D.: pyuxll.348
Posted: Wed Mar 23 21:26:48 1983
Received: Fri Mar 25 21:33:36 1983

	I finally got through to Olympic Sales in LA.  The prices we've
seen before were correct:
			C-64		$399
			1541 disk	$369
pubix!jdh's statement, "with advertised deal that with purchase of C-64
you get $100 of the disk, or a free monitor, or $100 of software" is a
little misleading (not intentional I'm sure).  The representative said
that you could get a free monitor (BMC 12" with green screen) with
a purchase of the C-64 at the \regular/ price, or $100 dollars off etc..
Their regular price for the BMC is $94.  I believe their regular price
for the C-64 is $485.
	You can get a catalog from them by sending a letter requesting
one, and $2 to:
		Olympic Sales
		P.O. Box 74545
		Los Angeles, CA  90004

				John McInerney