From: utzoo!utcsrgv!newman Newsgroups: net.micro Title: Re: The only one with BASIC???? Article-I.D.: utcsrgv.1214 Posted: Thu Mar 24 00:00:37 1983 Received: Thu Mar 24 09:25:10 1983 References: ihuxo.210 I think the recent comments about the desirability of buying a micro with built-in Basic ROM miss a very important point. In my opinion it is far superior to buy a micro with NO builtin language ROM, but rather to be able to buy a cartridge with e.g. Basic (like for instance the Atari 400/800). The reason is that then you are not stuck with cluttering up a large piece of your limited address space with Basic when you don't want it, like for assembler, commercial assembler software, or for running other languages or DOS's. I do feel however that the manufacturer should then include the Basic cartridge in the package, not make you buy it as an option.