From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!npoiv!npois!houxm!houxa!houxi!houxz!ihnp4!ihuxx!hersee Newsgroups: net.micro,net.micro.pc Title: Sieve times for 6 C's on the PC Article-I.D.: ihuxx.359 Posted: Mon Mar 7 18:22:31 1983 Received: Tue Mar 8 05:31:40 1983 Reply-To: hersee@ihuxx.UUCP (Steve Hersee) I have collected the following C compiler benchmarks for the IBM PC running the unmodified (no register vars) for 6 C compilers. I know of about 10 or more that are available for the PC. C88 29.8sec $150.00 c-systems C 15.0 $195.00 CI-C86 17.3 $395.00 Lattice C 10.5 $500.00 Telecon C 24.7 $350.00 SuperSoft C 24.8 $500.00 If anyone has additional times for any other compilers please mail the times to me. I am interested in QUNIX, DRI, and Mark Williams times. Steve Hersee ihuxx!hersee (312) 979-1872