From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!npoiv!npois!houxm!houxa!houxi!houxz!ihnp4!ihnss!knudsen
Newsgroups: net.micro
Title: 16032, Unix, etc.
Article-I.D.: ihnss.1464
Posted: Fri Feb 25 18:05:13 1983
Received: Sun Feb 27 01:29:10 1983
Reply-To: knudsen@ihnss.UUCP (Mike J Knudsen, ihnss!knudsen)

Well, I certainly have learned a lot about the new Nat Semi chips.
Just one more example of how being last can make you the best
(where was NatSemi all these 8-bit years?  Watching the rest and

Yes, the 1st response I got was a mail from someone at Translation
Systems who plans to put out Unix v7 with PL/1 dialect soon.
His letter was so obnoxious I don't know why I'm giving the free ad,
except I like to see Unix all over the place.

He also claimed the FPU would do 64-bit multiply (floating IEEE)
in 6.4 usec, much better than what I remember being claimed for
the Big Two, whose proponents are still arguing flt pt speeds
over on net.micro.68K.

Very glad to hear the 16032 comes on a DIP (like 68000, unlike 80186
or 80286).  Makes it feasible to experiment with a sample or two.
	mike k