From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!peri!sbcs!ganesh Newsgroups: net.lang.c Title: C-semantics Article-I.D.: sbcs.223 Posted: Mon Mar 7 23:42:19 1983 Received: Wed Mar 9 01:38:17 1983 Since I made the request for sources for Semantic definition of C, I got the following responses. I have been requested to post the responses that I received. Here they are. - ganesh - >From peri!floyd!harpo!decvax!genradbolton!charlie Tue Mar 1 03:16:06 1983 Date: Mon Feb 28 11:50:23 1983 To: decvax!harpo!floyd!peri!sbcs!ganesh Subject: Denotational Semantics for C MIT is offering a summer course in this subject and the literature implied that semantics for C Ada and Pascal would be presented. >From peri!floyd!harpo!seismo!Mark.Kahrs@rochester.UUCP Wed Mar 2 22:08:34 1983 Date: 1 Mar 1983 10:31:20-EST From: seismo!Mark.Kahrs Subject: semantic definition for C Received: by SEISMO.ARPA (3.290 [1/6/83]) id AA00765; 1-Mar-83 20:37:24-EST (Tue) To: seismo!harpo!floyd!peri!sbcs!ganesh There was a paper a few years back by Ravi Sethi (then at Uni.v of Arizona, now Bell Labs) about a semantics for C in a POPL. Look 3-4 years back at least (if not more). Mark. >From peri!floyd!harpo!eagle!jerry Thu Mar 3 04:28:38 1983 Date: 2 Mar 83 23:27:21 EST (Wed) To: harpo!floyd!peri!sbcs!ganesh Subject: denotational semantics for C Yes, Ravi Sethi at Bell Labs did one a while ago. I don't know if it was ever published. You can reach him at harpo!research!ravi Jerry Schwarz eagle!jerry