From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!eagle!mhuxt!mhuxa!mhuxh!mhuxm!pyuxjj!rlr
Newsgroups: net.jokes
Title: How to solve the light bulb joke problem
Article-I.D.: pyuxjj.450
Posted: Wed Mar 23 23:11:03 1983
Received: Fri Mar 25 07:12:48 1983
References: cornell.4151

OK, remember the joke about the group of Martians that didn't tell jokes
(because they knew them all), so they told numbers?  Numbers were assigned
to jokes, and people thereafter just said the numbers and everyone would laugh.
(For those who don't know, the punchline involves one person who says "43!"
and gets no laughs at all.  He is told either that 1) "It's your delivery." or
2) "Oh, honey, you just don't know how to tell a joke.")

Now, do you remember the USENET etiquette article that someone suggested should
be periodically resubmitted for new unenlightened users?

Great.  All we need is for someone to compile a numbered list of all the known
light bulb jokes, and to have this list posted periodically as above.  Think of
the benefits:
	1)  When this list is posted, it will be clearly identified as--

		Subject:  Master Light Bulb Joke List - (nf)

	    ---and you can type 'n' to avoid seeing it!!!

	2)  When submitting a light bulb joke, all that is needed is---

		Subject:  LBJ #43
		(0 lines) More? [ynq]

	    It doesn't matter whether you type 'n' or not:  there's nothing to
	    read!!!!  Also, those who like to flame about redundancy can send:

		Subject: re: LBJ #43
		(1 lines) More? [ynq] y

There.  Everyone is satisfied.  I move that the Patty O'Furniture joke be
designated as LBJ #0 (an honorary title).

						Always full of good ideas,
							Rich Rosen