From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!cmcl2!philabs!sdcsvax!sdcattb!wa146
Newsgroups: net.jokes
Title: Sick Joke
Article-I.D.: sdcattb.2572
Posted: Fri Mar 11 21:32:46 1983
Received: Sun Mar 13 07:27:00 1983

----- News saved at Fri Mar 11 21:27:08 1983

	There is a truck driver who violently hates hitch hikers.  Whenever
he sees one on the road, he runs them over.  One day he sees a priest by the
road hitch hiking, but he is unable to hit the priest, so he picks the priest
	Further down the road the driver sees a hitch hiker.  He wants to hit
the hitch hiker, but he cannot do such a horrible act with the priest in the
cab.  He decides to pretend falling asleep, swerving to accidentally hit the
	The driver pretends to fall asleep and hears a sudden thump.  He
jumps and asks the priest, "Did I hit him?"
	To this the priest replies, "No, but I got him with the door."


						Brian Sutin